UMX Timber

UMX Tundra

Lately I’ve been flying a lot of small remote control airplanes and i came across this little gem. Its an ultra micro trainer that has short takeoff and landing abilities. Whay that means is that is can be made to have a whole bunch of lift and go real slow. Great for just loping around a park making touch and goes off the picnic tables. Anyway, Im hoping to get one soon for a review, when I do ill post it here.

UMX Tundra

Drone racing simulator

“Drone Racing is a new high speed competitive racing sport. Skilled pilots fly quad-copter drones through three-dimensional courses at speeds up to 120mph. DRL drones are custom built for speed, agility, and performance. Pilots steer from the point of view of the drone by wearing First Person View (FPV) goggles that display a live image transmitted by an onboard camera. Flying a drone competitively at high speed in FPV is an intense, immersive experience.”

Sound like fun? Think you have the reflexes to compete against 20 somethings? I sure don’t! But don’t despair, you can play the DRL drone sim for free! 

DRL Simulator (free beta)

How to Get the Most From Your Toy Airplane

Remember when we would play with those little balsa wood planes and try to tweak them for better flights? Well this guy has pretty much taken that to a whole new level. I love the attention to detail like giving the wings more lift by warping them with water and an Ace bandage. The video of his flight makes it well worth the effort.

Flying and Improving Your Guillow’s Sky Streak