Mech Warfare

Imagine that you are the pilot of a six story high walking battle machine that is armed to the teeth. Your mission is to destroy the opposing force that has put dibs on your beloved city. As you turn a corner down a deserted street a rocket arcs towards you and you let fly a volley of machine gun fire at the six legged mech that fired it. Well, thats kind of what happens in ‘MechWarfare‘, a young sport where roboticists use sophisticated off the shelf wireless technology to give themselves the point of view of their remote controlled creations. Oh, did I mention they they are armed? Fully auto 6mm AirSoft guns are common and in the heavy class they use unguided rockets and flamethrowers! How can this not be the most fun you can have with r/c robots? Go read the article and see if you have what it takes to become the mech fighter of the future! Heck, if you want to help out you can drop them a few bucks in their Kickstarter Project, they want to build a better arena.

[via Slashdot]

Roboticists Engage in Mech Combat to Hone Their Skills