Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

Grab a pinhole and start shooting
Alright it’s time to poke a pinhole in the body cap of your bazillion dollar DSLR and totally trade the high tech for the low, it’s Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day! Yes, April 24th is that day of the year where you are encouraged to go lens-less for the sake of art. Even if you don’t own a digital came with the option of changeable lenses you can still go back to the roots of photography and build your own camera (it’s my own design) or if you ask nice I’ll build one for you! Just tell me the film format (yeah, that film suff is still pretty hot with the pinhole crowd) like 35mm or 120 and if you want wide angle or normal and I’ll get you a quote. We can work from there, OK? It will be a signed camera build from the highest quality light stopping black foamcore that I can find that will truly be one of a kind. Just throwing the option out there if you are looking for a cool camera to tell your friends about. Drop me a line for more info about custom cameras at for more info.

So go grab some coffee cans and some film and make plans to go lens-less!

April 24, 2011 is Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day.